Probate and Distribution of Assets
The death of a loved one results not only in grief and suffering by those left behind, but also presents a paralyzing array of legal obstacles to changing the ownership of assets and moving on with life. Some assets pass fairly easily through joint ownership (for example, some real estate, certain bank or brokerage accounts), beneficiary designations (insurance policies, retirement plans, some bank or brokerage accounts). Other property must pass through the bewildering legal process known as probate in order to pass to those who remain.
After a person dies, his or her will must be probated in order for it to become valid and for it to control the distribution of this property. If there is no will, our state laws provide how probate property must pass. If you are faced with questions about what to do after the death of a loved one, Jack Moore will guide you through this process, go over the proper procedures with you, and discuss your options. To set up a consultation about probate issues, call 770-277-7767.